Tuesday, December 23, 2008

And so it is..........

Christmas Eve is tomorrow night and I haven't brought the girls to see Santa. hmmm.... He made a visit to school.. so Macy saw him.....Marlee probably wouldn't go up there and Mia I'm not sure..... I am trying to justify this so one day when Mia ask why I'll have a good reason. I did all my shopping via the net this year. I did escape yesterday for a few hours alone and suddenly realized why I choose the Internet...not a bad idea........seeing that most of my time was spent in line. Starbucks Chai Tea latte made it all better :) AND I bought my sweet deserving self my 1st Apple laptop. Good bye PC hope we don't miss one another. We spent some of the weekend buying furniture. The only thing left is the playroom, kitchen table, living room. I have my eye on a living room set from Pottery Barn. I hope it looks as good as it does in the catalog!! Aaron got to pick out his leather couch and chair.... just so no one can say they didn't have a voice LOL Things at the house are starting to wrap up. Hopefully after the holidays we can finish up and just wait on all our deliveries. MERRY CHRISTMAS to all!!!!!

1 comment:

Mom in the Mountains said...

I could not even tell you if I was brought to see Santa every year. Don't worry they won't be scarred, just so long as he brings presents I am sure all will be well!!! Merry Cristmas!


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