Monday, September 15, 2008

If life has given me lemons

I should have enough to offer a glass to lots of people............................
My hubby made it over the bridge to see our home yesterday but couldn't get in because the doors were swollen from the water. The water is gone now back to the Gulf of Mexico. I haven't really posted much about our stray cat (who is now our family pet). But prior to leaving I had her fixed... Monday a week ago to be exact. No I didn't bring her I couldn't and felt terrible about it but Aaron said when he drove into the driveway she came running!! She is safe now with him at his dad's. My Mom's house one Aunt and my elderly grandparents homes were spared any water damage. I thank God for that because I truly believe it would have killed my grandparents and that right now isn't something I could bare. Aaron went back today and made his way in. My dad and step mom went along with a camera to document their findings. There had been 3 feet of water in the house, garage and Aaron's detached garage. He has ordered us a POD to place what personal belongings that can be salvaged before the mold and mildew sets in. We are literally going day by day it's going to be a long time before we are back in our home. Do we rebuild...should we stay there.....move to a different city.....take our chances.....go to a totally new place and start all over with jobs and friends.....I don't know. I have told the girls. We wont be having birthdays parties this year. Macy's is coming up on the 25th. Hopefully I can post pics soon I know they haven't sent them to me for a reason.. well other than no electricity. It's bad. The water surge was so strong is moved all the furniture around in the house. My double dresser in the bedroom was turned over, Aaron's four wheeler was up on it's two front wheels, there was dead fish all over the place along with snakes and the smell in the city he said was rank. I am getting weary being away but know right now it's my only choice....the baby has been sick for the first time and I watched my mother have a seizure on the floor today...........I honestly couldn't tell you the last time I saw that. The girls have been busy playing with their cousins. There are 8 little girls here. It's a totally out of body experience. I just want to say Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers. Macy pulled out her own tooth tonight while I was at Wal-Mart so the tooth fairy must make her visit......yes even when your homeless and evacuated the tooth fairy still can find you ;)

1 comment:

Dawn C. said...

Yes! Make lemonade! Keep us posted!! xo dawn


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